Will there be someone who fully accept me?

Agista Saraswati
4 min readSep 7, 2022


This time, I want to write a super cringey post. This due to my intention to clear my mind and spitting all the anxiety that clouding up my head.

This morning I woke up thinking a lot of things again. I just got back from South Korea and I thought I’ll be fine after that. But nope, once I arrived to Indonesia more thoughts swarms in my head. About the changes in my workplace, about my guilty feeling because I have taken two weeks leave, about what I want to do with my future. Though basically my thoughts are about what I want to do with my future.

I had big dreams. This happened since I was a kid. When my peers didn’t even think about pursuing higher study overseas, I did. And I somehow made it true when I was 23 years old. It was just a dream for me, I don’t know how could I make it back then. Probably because God let me? And of course without that, I won’t be studying in the UK. Or probably because I have the fiery passion in pursuing what I dreamt of. I remember I had said this to my sister: dream big but always make attempt in pursuing it, otherwise it’s a merely a dream.

To think back I still have my big dreams. Although at the same time, I doubt myself even more. Comparing my self now and then, I do feel my confidence depleted since I don’t know when. All my dreams seem too far to be achieved. All my big dreams are eventually became a dust of imagination that probably never get real just like 5 years ago.

Then I asked myself questions, what do I really want? What is the purpose of me having such dream?

I keep convincing myself and explaining that I already had the road map, but sometimes I keep questioning it whether I really want to take a leap ahead or staying to what I already have. The answer mostly I want to take a leap ahead. The problem is just I don’t know on which first step I need to take. At this point, I really need to learn on how to slow down and re-calibrate myself.

That’s what I expect when I came back from Korea, re-calibrating myself. But it didn’t happen.

I also had another thought like will there be someone who can fully accept me? Me and my big dreams and ambitions. Me and all the flaws I had in me.

I can fully accept myself. I am honestly content with who I am right now. Because to be the current me, I have taken such a long road and trust me, it’s painful. I’ve never love myself this much before. Of course I still have my insecurities and get worrisome for things that I would do or not do. But I’ve never been so proud of myself, I’ve never been so connected with myself too. It’s just at the same time, I also realise that not everyone can resonate with the things that crossed my mind or how I behave.

I feel alone, yes. At some point.

I feel like I don’t have much friends or acquaintance that truly understands me, except myself. I had too much layers. One had to peel layer per layer to fully understand and accept me and currently no one ever did that. Even my closest friends. I haven’t yet expose the true me.

I am feeling content yet so lonely. Sometimes I want to share the baggage I keep carrying on my shoulder. Sometimes I want to listen to my significant other too. But when?

I have lived in such a fast-paced life in my whole life. I can’t stand being patient and walking slowly, especially in my age. But again, I need to learn how to slow down a bit. I also realise on what I have been wishing for, to ask somebody to fully accept myself. Can I do that too? Can I fully accept somebody else in my life? Him with his flaws, him with his dreams. I had someone in mind but I just don’t fully encrypted him yet, I couldn’t say that I can fully accept him right now. But working in this slow progress made me more anxious and doubtful, will there be someone who fully accept me?



Agista Saraswati

Behavioural Finance Enthusiast • Specialised in Personal Finance