Agista SaraswatiThe Soul StoryFor the past two weeks, I felt that I wasn’t on my right mind. To put it in extreme way, I have depression and I started to think to end my…Jun 14Jun 14
Agista SaraswatiAdult Children from Emotionally Immature ParentsTo be a better person keeps being my resolution or hope every year, I never skipped this hopes on New Year or in my birthday.Jun 4Jun 4
Agista SaraswatiWill there be someone who fully accept me?This time, I want to write a super cringey post. This due to my intention to clear my mind and spitting all the anxiety that clouding up my…Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
Agista SaraswatiBecome Generalist or a Specialist?This might be the million people’s question: Which one is better, to be a generalist or a specialist?Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Agista SaraswatiMicromanaging: Penyakit Transparan Lingkungan KorporasiDari sebuah survey yang dilakukan oleh Trinity Solutions, sekitar 79% pekerja pernah mengalami bekerja di bawah manajemen micromanage. 69%…Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
Agista SaraswatiLeadership in My Perspective“A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
Agista SaraswatiDebunking Inventing Anna and The Tinder SwindlerHidup nyaman, bergelimang uang serta jenama kelas atas, dan juga menjadi bagian dari elitis di muka bumi mungkin menjadi impian sebagian…Mar 2, 2022Mar 2, 2022
Agista SaraswatiKecanduan InvestasiBukan, ini bukan karena saya ikut-ikutan tren investasi.Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Agista SaraswatiThere will always be someone who hates youMy current mantra that I am holding onto recently is “I am living to my own expectations”. That means I stopped thinking to what people…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022